Become a member
Membership is open to natural or legal persons wishing to support actively or passively the goals of the Society.
Send us an email with your mail address at:
(The application form and informations about the Society are sent to you by mail)
Annual membership fees
CHF 50.- active/passive single membership
CHF 90.- couples
CHF 25.- students
starting from CHF 100.- legal entities
Donations to the Arthur Lourié Society exceeding CHF 100.- are tax exempt. (Since 2007 the Arthur Lourié Society has been recognised as a tax exempted society.)
Arthur Lourié Gesellschaft Basel
Klybeckstrasse 83
CH-4057 Basel
Bank Account: IBAN32 0900 0000 6049 8197 4
Post Account (Switzerland) 60-49817-4